Juin 2019

 Hello, I've been in contact with a user by the name of "SillyMagilly" and we were both at 0 trades when we organized an agreement to trade my ReshiZard GX for a few of his cards.  This was about 1-2 weeks ago.  We both agreed to ship at the same time since we both had 0 reviews, but so far this user hasn't even sent anything in the mail and my card arrived to his location 4 days ago.  I'm probably at a loss here, but is there anything that can be done?  Keeps claiming that he will ship it, but it has yet to be shipped.


Sorry if this isn't the right place to post.  I'm new here.  Thank you

Juin 2019



Please indicate the URL of the associated proposal.

Thanks in advance.



Juin 2019



Thank you for the URL, I have contacted your correspondent.


I will soon update you about the current situation.


I am sorry for the inconvenience.



Juin 2019

Hello Tyraide,


Your correspondent (SillyMagilly) is not responding, therefore his account has been terminated.

I invite you to file a police complaint against him, since it appears he has stolen your card/property.


His email is now available inside the proposal :

You can now try to reach him via email if you wish. 


I am sorry for the inconvenience.



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