Avril 2020

After both sides have accepted the proposal...

Do we then just message to eachother our mailing address ?

What if both sides have 0 reviews, who sends first ?


On the last trading website that I used, the trade process was more automated.

Once both sides accepted the trade, the website would then make the mailing address visable for both sides.

Both sides had to then have to click a button on the trade for when they send out their part and then when they have received the cards.

Avril 2020



Welcome to Pokéchange +++


What if both sides have 0 reviews, who sends first ?


Both sides must decide what to do.

To avoid this situation, new users should trade with users that already have positive reviews.


Once both sides accepted the trade, the website would then make the mailing address visable for both sides.


The workflow is the following :

Send / Receive a proposal -> The proposal is accepted, refused or canceled -> Both sides make the transations (send/receive/pay) -> Reviews are sent on both profils

