Octobre 2020

Hello!, I am new to the site. I love this idea and the site so far has been great. I just had a  couple of questions that I can't find the answers here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


1. Should my collection have all the cards I own or only my personal collection as a tracker of sorts?

2. Can I have cards in my offers tab that is not in my collections tab?


Octobre 2020

Your collection is exactly that. Cards you are not trading, just collecting. If you have extra of those cards then you can put them in the offers section. I have most of the Black & White sets completed but I thought it tedious to list those here, but feel free to do so if you want. I hope this helps.

Octobre 2020

It does! for some reason, I thought I couldn't put the cards in the offers if it wasn't in my collection. I have to do some riding up but, this makes it so much easier to add my doubles to my offers now that I don't have to add them to the collection first. Thank you so much!