Octobre 2022

How is everyone storing their pokemon cards?


I am using binders with pages marked by set on each page (e.g, Base 1-9, Base 10-18, etc.).


For the bulk and what i'm trading though i'm not sure of a good way to store it so i can easily locate a particular card.

Février 2023

I'm ordering one of those cardboard card holders and going to test that out with my duplicates. You can buy or make your own binders to make organization easy (and maybe have your collection on a spreadsheet or smthn so that you can just look up where the card would be and just pull it out when you need it.

Février 2023



I decided to get a little drawer system to hold the cards i am trading.  I label each drawer by set name and put the cards I am trading for that set in there.   This has been working out really well for me.  If i have too many duplicates of a particular card I place those in a labeled envelope for that set.  This has been working out really well for me.